ARRC 2025 International conference in Budapest – topic Roman Glass

Komisia „História skla“ Vás informuje o konferencii, ktorá sa uskutoční 23. – 24. mája 2025 v Budapesti.



Súčasťou konferencie má byť aj sekcia o rímskom skle a sklárstve. V prípade záujmu zúčastniť sa s témou skla a sklárstva, prosím kontaktuje Dr. Danicu Staššíkovú-Štukovskú.


International conference on the phenomena and processes of integration into the Roman Empire

May 23-24, 2025
Organized by the HUN-REN-ELTE Research Group for Interdisciplinary Archaeology and the Department of Classical and Roman Archaeology, Eötvös Loránd University.

The deadline for proposals is January 8, 2025.

One of the KEY TOPICS: Glass and glass production as the symbol of the everyday Romanized lifestyle played an important role in bringing Roman culture to the provinces. The different styles, manufacturing techniques, decorative methods and forms of glassmaking and the differences between areas are revealed by studying trends in the use of glass.













PROGRAM v pdf: CfP_ARRC 2025 Budapest_Conference on Romanization_en