(20.-21.10.) XXXI A.T.I.V. Conference, Parma, Taliansko

V prílohe je zverejnený program 31. ročníka konferencie  A.T.I.V. „GLASS BETWEEN TECHNIQUE AND CREATIVITY„, ktorá sa v roku 2016 uskutoční v Parme, Taliansko.


GLASS ATIV CONGRESS_Training Course and Registration Form

Viac informácií a konkaty nájdete TU


You can find the program of the congress „GLASS BETWEEN TECHNIQUE AND CREATIVITY“ promoted and organized by ATIV (association of Italian glass technicians) to be held in Parma, Italy, on Oct. 20-21 2016

The congress is specifically tailored for engineers, technicians and production managers operating in industries in the hollow and plain glass sector. 

The congress is split into two days, the first day is devoted to oral presentations of major experts in the glass sector, the second day to training sessions. 

This secretarial office is at your disposal (same email address as this email) or further information.