16th Conference on the Electric Glass Melting

Czech Glass Society

September 14, 2016 – Prague – Czech Republic

Modelling the effect of the released electric heat on flat, horizontal and vertical electrodes to the glass flow

Using electricity for melting glass is an idea almost 90 years old. Only use molybdenum electrodes around 1952 allowed the melting of high quality glass with acceptable economics.
Over the past 60 years are solved the problems with corrosion of the electrodes,  convection of molten glass, fining, furnace lifetime . In today’s local and time  excess  „green“ electric energy, this energy appears to be optimal for the melting of glass. It is necessary to solve other problems – behavior of furnace in the absence of cheap energy. This year’s 16th Conference of the glass melting will take place again in Bohemia, where the majority of special glasses and part of the packaging glass melts for 50 years all-electric, or with electric boosting.


The Conference will be held September 14, 1016 in the House of technology ČSVTS Praha 1, Novotného lávka  5 –near  Charles Bridge
Presentation: 9.00 hour

9.30  10:00 Electric melting in the 21st century – economic, energy, economic and environmental aspects.  Can wind melt glass?
Josef Smrček, S.V.P.D Prague

10:00 -10:30 Renewable energy is changing the Electric Energy costs, how advanced model based control can help to benefit from it

 Erik Muijsenberg, Josef Chmelar, Glass Service, Vsetin CZ

10:30 -11:00 Glass – The future can  only be electric

Stuart Hakes F.I.C. (UK) Limited Cornwall UK

10:30 -10:40 coffee break

10:40-11:10 Principle of considerable increase of melting performance through arrangement of electric boosting
Lubomir Nemec, Marcela Jebavá, The Institute of Rock Structure and and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences in Prague

11:10- 11:40 Optimizing the shape of the bottom of a shallow glass electric melting furnace to increasing the releasing energy in the axis of the melting bassin.

Antonín Lisý, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

11:40 – 12:10 Thermographic monitoring corrosion of all-electric tank during lifetime
Luboš Šafařík Kavalierglass a.s. Sázava

12:10 – 13:30   LUNCH

13:30 – 14:00 Phenomena occurring during anodic protection molybdenum electrodes
František Novotný , University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

Lucie Čermáková, Crystal Bohemia a.s. Poděbrady

14:00 – 14:30 Last Developments in All Electric Furnace Thermal Distribution”

Simone Baratta, Bormioli Luigi, Parma Italy, Erik Muijsenberg,

Glass Service, Vsetin CZ

14:30 – 15:00 Influence of glass constitution on the frequency dependence of impedance of the glass at high temperatures

Martin Míka, , František Lahodný, Kristýna Rysová
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

15:00 – 15:20   Coffee break

15:20 – 15:50 Is there any difference between gas–fired and all-electric glass furnaces from emission point of view?                                                                                                                                                                       M. Knotek, J. Gabriel, Z. Plášil EMITEP s.r.o.,  Teplice

15:50 -16:20  Use of molybdenum and tungsten in electric melting
Vaclav Prusa, Larche Heike, Plansee group Reutte AT

16:20 – 16:50  How to reduce corrosion on fused-cast AZS

Jérôme Canaguier, Comercial Quimica Masso Lyon FR


Languages: Czech, English


Another events :

Excursion to the Bohemia Crystal Poděbrady (using electricity for heating gathering cells, feeders and melting tank within melting lead crystal)


Social evening dinner 14.9,2016 19.00 hours

(To be arranged according to the number of interested on the spot)

is possible to provide on the addresses :




Registration fees :

before  august 31,2016       On site

Member of Czech Glass Society               500 CZK                600 CZK

Non-Member                                           1000  CZK             1200 CZK

Pensioners, Students                                200  CZK               200 CZK


The registration fee includes

– Admission to the Scientific Programme Sessions

– Refreshment during Breaks

– Lunch


Payment before august 31,2016 only by bank transfer to account of ČSS

900937309/0800 in Česká spořitelna